omz-proxy v3 documentation

Configuration file

The configuration file is in JSON format and loaded from "config.json" in the working directory by default (this can be changed with the configFile command line argument).

The JSON root element must be an object and can have any of the following properties:

Name Type Description Required Default value Since
bindAddresses array(string) A list of local addresses to bind to. A single element of null indicates that the system should choose a default address. no [null] 3.1.0
backlog number The connection backlog. 0 to let the system choose a default value. no 0 3.1.0
portsPlain array(number) The list of ports to accept plaintext connections on. no [80] 3.1.0
portsTls array(number) The list of ports to accept SSL/TLS-encrypted connections on. no (empty) 3.1.0
tlsAuth object / array(object) A list of TLS authentication information (keys/certificates etc). Each object has two required arguments "key" and "cert", which must be strings representing the file path to the TLS server key and certificate (-chain), respectively. An optional "servername" string is used as a domain name for TLS Server Name Indication. A value of "default" (the default value) indicates that this key/certificate pair should be used when no other entry is suitable for the SNI request. A key/certificate pair is selected when the requested server name matches the "servername" string or is a subdomain of it. no (empty) 3.1.0
tlsAuthReloadInterval number The time in seconds between reloading all configured TLS key/certificate pairs. Reloading is disabled if this value is 0. no 0 3.1.0
connectionIdleTimeout number The time in seconds to keep a connection with no traffic before it is closed. no 300 3.1.0
errdocFiles object Additional error document files to load. The key is the MIME-type of the error document, the value is the file path. By default, only a built-in error document of type text/html is available. Which error document is served to the client is based on the Accept HTTP request header. no (empty) 3.1.0
defaultOutboundLocalAddressV4 string The default local address to use to connect to upstream servers over IPv4. no none (system default) 3.10.4
defaultOutboundLocalAddressV6 string The default local address to use to connect to upstream servers over IPv6. no none (system default) 3.10.4
upstreamServerAddress string The address of the default upstream server where requests will be proxied to. no "localhost" 3.1.0
upstreamServerAddressTTL number The number of seconds the IP address resolved from upstreamServerAddress is valid. If this value is negative, the address is considered valid forever. It is recommended to only set this value if upstreamServerAddress is not a literal IP address. The underlying Java library uses its own cache for IP address caching (InetAddress Cache), which may need to be configured as well to prevent unexpectedly long caching times. no -1 3.4.1
upstreamServerLocalAddress string The local address to use to connect to the default upstream server. no defaultOutboundLocalAddressV4/6 3.10.4
upstreamServerPortPlain number The port number where the default upstream server is listening for plaintext connections. no 8080 3.1.0
upstreamServerPortTLS number The port number where the default upstream server is listening for TLS connections. no 8443 3.1.0
upstreamServerProtocols array(string) A list of protocol names the default upstream server supports. The list of supported protocols is checked by the running HTTP engine and a specific protocol name is usually also defined by it. no ["http/1.1"] 3.3.1
upstreamServerClientImplOverride string An override for the client manager IDs to use to connect to the server (overrides the .clientImplNamespace system property). no none 3.10.2
trustedCertificates array(string) List of file paths of CA certificates to trust when making outgoing TLS connections. no (empty) 3.1.0
trustAllCertificates boolean Set to true to trust all certificates when connecting to upstream servers. Use this option with care. no false 3.10.5
workerThreadCount number The maximum number of worker threads. A negative value sets the maximum worker thread count to the number of available processors. no -1 3.7.1
pluginConfig object Contains plugin configuration objects. See omz-proxy3-plugins for more information. no (empty) 3.1.0
engineConfig object Contains configuration objects passed to the specified HTTP engine. The key of each object in this object is the name of the HTTP engine to pass the object to; this may either be the fully qualified class name or only the class name. no (empty) 3.3.1
defaultEngineConfig object Properties in this object will be copied to each HTTP engine configuration object, if not already set. See Common HTTP engine parameters for common properties. no (empty) 3.3.1

Common HTTP engine parameters

This is a list of common properties for the default or a specific HTTP engine configuration object:

Name Type Description Required Default value Since
disableDefaultRequestLog boolean Disable the request log, containing the client IP address and HTTP request data. no false 3.3.1
upstreamConnectionTimeout number The connection timeout in seconds when connecting to an upstream server. no 30 3.3.1
enableHeaders boolean Whether the proxy should add HTTP headers when proxying HTTP messages (for example "Via" and "X-Request-Id"). Note that this does not prevent plugins from adding HTTP headers. no true 3.3.1
maxHeaderSize number The maximum size of a HTTP message header (the start line and all headers) in bytes. no 8192 3.6.1
requestTimeout number The maximum time in seconds to wait for a request to finish before responding with status 408. no 5 3.6.1
responseTimeout number The maximum time in seconds to wait for a response from an upstream server before responding with status 504. This must not equal upstreamConnectionTimeout, because it would cause undefined behavior. no 60 3.6.1
maxStreamsPerServer number The maximum number of concurrent active requests (streams) to an upstream server for a single client. In HTTP/2, this is the sum of the MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS setting of all open connections; in HTTP/1.1, this is the number of connections (since HTTP/1.1 only supports a single concurrent request per connection). If the value is exceeded, no new connections will be created. 100 3.10.1
duplexClose boolean (advanced) Set to true to forcibly close downstream connection when an upstream connection closes. no false 3.10.5


    "portsPlain": [80],
    "portsTls": [443],
    "tlsAuth": {
        "key": "tls/private.key",
        "cert": "tls/cert.crt"
    "upstreamServerAddress": "",
    "upstreamServerPortPlain": 80,
    "upstreamServerPortTLS": 443,
    "errdocFiles": {
        "application/json": "errdocs/errdoc.json"

This configuration listens on the default local address and HTTP/HTTPS ports and forwards all requests to "" and the default HTTP ports. It contains a single key/certificate pair for TLS which is served to all TLS clients. And it adds an additional error document of type "application/json".

To completely disable the default request logging, the following may be added to the configuration above:

    "defaultEngineConfig": {
        "disableDefaultRequestLog": true

Example of a HTTP-implementation-specific option (http2):

    "engineConfig": {
        "HTTP2": {
            "disablePromiseRequestLog": true

When using a plugin such as virtual-host, the configuration might contain something like this:

    "pluginConfig": {
        "vhost": {
            "hosts": [
                    "hostname": "",
                    "address": ""

In this case, upstreamServerAddress may be set to null to return an error message on any other requested domain name.