omz-proxy v3 documentation

Command line arguments

Command line arguments have the standard omz-lib parameter format:

The following command line options are available:

Name Type Description Required Default value Since
logFile string The file path of the log file, or "null" if no log file should be created. no "log" 3.1.0
logLevel string / number The log level. Numbers 5 (highest, most log message) to -1 (no log messages) or "trace" (highest) to "fatal" (lowest, equivalent to "0"). no null (INFO) 3.1.0
configFile string The file path of the configuration file. no "config.json" 3.1.0
config string The content of the configuration file, if a file cannot be used. If this is provided, configFile is ignored. no null 3.1.0
pluginDir string The directory or directories where plugins should be loaded from. Multiple directories are separated by two colons (::). no "plugins" 3.1.0
dirPlugins boolean If plugins should be able to be loaded from directories instead of JAR files. no false 3.1.0
configFileReload boolean Reload the configuration file after it has been modified. This option has no effect when no configuration file is used. no false 3.1.1


java -cp "...." org.omegazero.proxy.core.ProxyMain --logLevel warn --configFile data/config.json -dirPlugins

Sets the log level to warn, allows plugins to be loaded from directories and specifies that the configuration file should be loaded from "data/config.json".

System Properties

omz-proxy3 reads several system properties for advanced configuration. All names below are prepended with "org.omegazero.proxy." (e.g. "something.someOption" becomes "org.omegazero.proxy.something.someOption"). All properties are evaluated at class initialization of the containing class unless otherwise specified.

These may be passed as command line arguments as JVM arguments as follows: -Dorg.omegazero.proxy.something.someOption=value. JVM arguments are passed before the main class name.

Name Type Description Default value Since
shutdownTimeout number The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for non-daemon threads to exit before forcibly terminating the JVM. Renamed to org.omegazero.common.runtime.shutdownTimeout in version 3.7.1. 2000 3.1.0
sni.maxCacheNameLen number The maximum server name length to cache for SNI. 64 3.1.0
sni.maxCacheMappings number The maximum number of entries in the SNI name cache. 4096 3.1.0
http.iaddrHashSalt number A 32-bit salt used for generating request IDs. 42 3.3.1
http.requestId.separator string The separator string for multiple X-Request-ID values. "," 3.7.1
http.requestId.timeLength int The number of hex characters to use for the time part of X-Request-ID values. The value is padded with "0"'s. If this value is 0, the number of characters is automatic (behavior before v3.6.2), if -1, the time part is disabled. 0 3.7.1
http.requestId.timeBase int64 A number (milliseconds) to subtract from the absolute time value in X-Request-ID values. 0 3.7.1
net.upstreamSocketErrorDebug boolean Whether log messages of upstream connection failures should be printed with log level DEBUG instead of WARN. Similar to false 3.6.1
clientImplNamespace string The namespace of default client manager IDs to use. "tcp.client" 3.10.1
serverImplNamespace string The namespace of server implementation names to use. "tcp.server" 3.10.1
addressNegativeTTL number The amount of seconds to wait for a retry when an attempt to re-resolve an address, after its TTL expired, fails. If -1, the same as the (positive) TTL configured for an UpstreamServer. -1 3.10.3